These are our loving and friendly ministers who are always available for counselling and prayers.
They are the best choir on this side of the universe with the sole intention to take you into the presence of God.
i-Care Unit
This comprises of a special team who are ever ready to welcome and provide real time information about the Church.
This is a shop where the less privileged in the community can buy used and well dry-cleaned clothes, household items and food pack for just 1000 naira.
i-Care Centers
These are our house fellowship centers where brethren meet to study and pray together.
These are faithful men and women called to serve as special assistants in the pastorate team.
This is the welfare team that meet the needs of the needy in the church and organize community impactful programs
Business Hub
This is a network of entrepreneurs and business owners where the young ones are trained, mentored and empowered to build godly businesses.
Career Hub
This is a professional hub where job seekers are trained and empowered to secure jobs as interns, contract and full time staff in corporate organizations and to carry the banner of Christ in the marketplace.
Singles Fellowship
This is where our single hangout together to share spiritual and issues pertaining to life in general.
The Expression
This is our vibrant teenagers’ community where they express themselves in different ways in God’s presence.
1st Degree
A ministry set apart for those who are out of secondary school and need to write JAMB. We make available to them free JAMB classes and forms. Full or partial educational scholarship to continue their education and be representatives of Christ on campuses.
Church Without Walls (CWW):
This is our Church for the street boys, sport men and women and students in nearby campuses and hostels.